7 Makeup Tips That Will Make You Look Amazing In Photographs

We all love to take photographs, especially during the special moments of our life. But, if not all, most of us have to take loads of picture before finalizing one that is socially acceptable. The reason behind it could be our makeup or appearance that doesn’t suit with the camera. So, what to do? Here are some tips that will make you look amazing in photographs. So, shoot away!
Start With Eye Makeup:
One thing that all the makeup and photography gurus agree on is that your eye makeup can spoil your look. Therefore, always go ahead with eye shadow, liner and mascara, before you put on any foundation. It will give you a softer and younger look, as you will be able to clean any residue left of your makeup products.
Go Sheer:
Before you go ahead with the makeup routine and you have acne, make sure that you apply some incredible mask for pimples that might help you in achieving a clear skin. Once you are done, keep in mind that the biggest things photography tends to pick up is the smoothness of your base makeup. So, in order to get a good photograph, use a sheer coverage foundation on the sensitive parts of your skin.
Start from the centre; blend over the tip of the nose, around the nostrils, the tip of the chin and all the other areas where acne breakouts occur. Keep it minimal and subtle.
Use A Concealer:
Always use a concealer when dressing up for a special occasion. It will help you in looking flawless and your pictures will be what you always wanted. The concealer helps in hiding dark circles, blemishes, pigmentation and acne scars. So, your pictures will undoubtedly show clear skin.
Make ‘Matte’ Your Moto:
One of the easiest ways to get good photographs is to have a semi matte skin while taking them. The matte products may help in keeping the shine less, yet looking realistic and prominent at the same time. This philosophy goes to all the products that you are using on your face.
Be Bold:
The thing that actually spoils is your photographs is boring makeup. The best way to eliminate the chances of having bad pictures is to go bold. Choose dark colours for your lips and eyes. When you take a picture, the colours pop out, making you a standout among all the other people.
Loud Brows:
We don’t want our eye brows to be extra loud, but when it is the day for pictures, make sure that your brows are fuller. The heavy and bold brows help in gaining the attention of the camera. They help you look younger and other glitches on your face a little less visible. So, don’t forget to give a little life to your brows with a pencil matching your hair.
Put On Some Extra Makeup
When you get ready for a function and your end goal is to look extremely good in pictures, add a little extra of everything. It means that your brows should be darker than usual, mascara should be thicker, bronze and blush should be a bit more prominent and lipstick should be darker than you originally prefer. The camera will catch you looking like straight-out-of-the-movie kind of girl.
Author bio:
Sania is a student of accounts and finance. She enjoys shopping, trying out skincare remedies, makeup remover and blogging about anything that is related to beauty and self-care. Her love for pets, tea and travelling is eternal. She ritually posts at The Smart Women Blog.