Top 11 Health Benefits of Yoga


We are endowed with Cardio respiratory Capacity (the ability of the body to take in oxygen and to deliver it to the cells for the creation of bioenergetics for physical work), Muscular framework (refers to spectrum of muscular capability that improves overall posture, joint mobility, etc.), Nervous system (that records information and coordinates all the functions of the body) and a beautiful soul (an eternal part of a human being). The existence of harmony and health within and between these physical, psychical, and spiritual components of a human system is the key to proliferating health and wellness.

However, modern lifestyle patterns affect our health in diverse aspects: physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally. To be able to perform our duties to the best of our capabilities, to produce optimal results at the professional front, to cherish healthy relationships with oneself and others, and to lead a life full of enthusiasm, positivity, and vibrancy, optimal health is of utmost importance.

Yoga is a wholesome discipline that makes us feel complete in the body, mind, and spirit. A method based on subtle science that fosters sensations of oneness, where one’s body, mind, and energy functions on an optimal level of intensity within oneself. Yoga is a technology and its elements such as asanas, pranayama, and meditation harbor the therapeutic power of eradicating the diseases, the wisdom of unifying the body, mind, and soul, and the mystical ability to transform the interior territory for the attainment of inner bliss.

“Health is Wealth,” goes the popular adage. Therefore, boost the physical health to its optimal level and intensify the calmness of mind with Yoga. Learn about the health benefits of yoga here:

Build a Stronger Muscle Strength:

Strong muscles do much more good for the health than they look. Robust muscles prevent the risk of painful diseases like arthritis, osteoporosis, and accidental falls in elderly people. Additionally, building strength through yoga is the best way to balance it with flexibility.

Amplify the Flexibility:

Pliancy is the most rewarding by-product of the art of Yoga. As you dedicatedly stick with the yoga practices, you shall notice a gradual loosening of the stiff muscles, better joint mobility, and diminishing aches. Eventually, seemingly impossible postures become possible due to enhanced flexibility of the muscle tissues.

Perfect the Posture:

Poor posture is the creator of neck problems, back troubles, and muscle joint issues. The forward movements flatten the inner curves of the neck and back. It causes pain and degenerative arthritis in the spine. The twisting and backbend yoga postures give a nice stretch to the back, neck, and help in counteracting the adverse results of forwarding movements.

Protect the Spine:

The spinal disc– shock absorbers between the vertebrae, the cartilaginous joints for spine mobility, and ligament that holds the vertebrae together suffer badly due to inactiveness. The only way to nurture spine with nutrients and to make it supple naturally can be achieved through a balanced performance of backbends, forward bends, and twists.

Build a Better Bone Density:

Bones are responsible for providing structure, protecting organs, anchoring muscles, and storing calcium. Yoga is a healthy way to maintain the wellness of the bones. There are several yoga postures that require you to hold your own body weight for prolonged duration’s like downward and upward facing dog positions that particularly help in strengthening the arms that are vulnerable to osteoporotic fractures.

Enhance the Blood Flow:

Keep your blood flowing with the traditional discipline of yoga. The relaxation exercises significantly enhance the blood circulation (in hands and feet),  pranayama techniques expand the lungs and help in oxygen-rich blood flow, and inverted yoga poses maintain a smooth flow of blood to the brain which decreases the risk of blood clots, strokes, and attacks.

Improve the Lymphatic System:

During the performance of diverse yoga poses, the practitioners are encouraged to stretch and contract the muscles, to move the organs around, and to come in and out of the postures that increase the drainage of lymph. A healthy lymphatic system is necessary for fighting infections and destroying the cancerous cells.

Lower the Blood Sugar Levels:

Yoga is found to be effective in lowering of bad cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels and in increasing the production of HDL (good cholesterol). In diabetic patients, yoga lowers the cortisol and adrenaline levels and boosts up the sensitivity to the effects of insulin. Lower blood sugar levels effectively decrease the risk of diabetic complications like heart attack, kidney failure, and blindness.

Rejuvenate the System:

The science of yoga relaxes the body, slows down the breathing patterns, and shifts the sympathetic nervous system to the parasympathetic state. The rest-to-digest response is restorative and calming in nature that decreases heart rate and blood pressure in people with hypertension and increases blood flow within the body.

Treat Insomnia:

Many people complain about their inability to sleep well. Little did they know they might be suffering from insomnia. The healthcare system of yoga provides a way to unwind from the hustle-bustle of modern life and helps us peacefully rest in the present moment. Through stress reduction and body relaxation yoga encourages better sleep patterns.

Boost the Immunity:

Yoga posture, pranayama, and meditation techniques are highly helpful in improving immune functionality. Yoga effectively regulates the working of an immune system by boosting it and lowering it as and when required).

WholeHeartedly embrace the inner science– the yogic science and become a personal witness to healthier body, mind, and soul.

Author Bio: Manmohan Singh is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveller in India. He provides Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India. He loves writing and reading the books related to yoga, health, nature and the Himalayas.


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