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    How Pregnancy Affects Dental Health

    SharePregnancy is easily one of most cherished moments in the life of married women. It heralds the arrival of a new guest to the family. The happiness increases manifold with the expectation of the would-be baby. Expecting mothers thus try everything to take care of their health. However, being pregnant also comes with certain challenges. It’s that phase in life ...
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    These Amazing Food Will Keep Your Uterus Healthy

    ShareIn a woman’s body uterus is the most sensitive and vital organ. It is the foundation of the female reproductive system. Uterus helps to nourish and protect the developing of the foetus. Hence, it is extremely essential to keep your uterus healthy for maintaining a good pregnancy as well as a fit life. The uterus can be affected by many ...
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    Beyond Anti-Depressants: 8 Ways to Treat Depression Besides Medication

    ShareAs helpful as anti-depressants can be, they’re not for everyone. Learn about these other ways to treat depression. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, more than sixteen million American adults experience clinical depression at least once a year. That comes out to be just about 7% of the United States population. For many of those individuals, medications may be ...
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    6 Tips To Remove A Coffee Stain From Your Teeth

    ShareTeeth are the first thing that people notice when you smile. So, if they are yellow, it can be a real bummer for your confidence. This happens a lot when you are meeting new people. So what are the reasons for this yellow and stained teeth? Tea, coffees, red wine are some of the primary ways to get stains on ...
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    5 Proven Tips to Slim Down the Belly

    ShareIt is frustrating to see that all your weight loss efforts are not helping you lose the belly. You might see a difference on the scale but the inches aren’t really going anywhere. As demotivating as it may be, know that you are not the only one. Stubborn belly problem is more common than you realize. Abdomen is, in fact, ...
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    6 Reasons Why Muay Thai Will Get You Motivated to Train

    ShareWhen you are not used to training, finding the will to place on the running shoes of yours and pack your gym equipment after an extended day at the office might be difficult. Running or just lifting weights might get boring and in no time you will end up also at square one. But imagine if we told you that ...
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    8 best pole fitness stars to follow on Instagram

    SharePole Fitness is a great sport that suits all individuals, both men, and women, where they take pride in displaying their jaw-dropping highly flexible moves and positions on a pole. From the World Pole Dance Championship athletes to Pole performers at circuses, you can find them easily on the social media where you can stay connected to their colorful and ...
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    Bad hair giving you issues? Try changing your diet

    ShareMany people wish to have strong and healthy hair, more so in older years. It is interesting to note that everyone’s hair grows around 0.5 inches per month to 6 inches. Its growth depends on many factors, like health, age, diet, and genetics. But, in many cases diet also does not help much, for that one can think of having ...
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    Picking the Right Medicare Plan for You

    ShareThe standard of living has been constantly changing over the years and so are personal medical needs. If you are like most people, you might have spent your life choosing a health insurance plan with the help of an employer. And now when you are 65 – already eligible for Medicare – there might be an urge to reevaluate your ...
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    Why There is an Increase in the Need for Male Breast Reduction Surgery?

    ShareDo you know Gynecomastia surgery in India is the rapidly growing procedure? More men are choosing the breast reduction surgery these days and even the studies have claimed the increase of36% in the male breast reduction surgery by the year2012. Thus, this question will have definitely knocked your door of the brain that what are the reasons behind this increase ...