Impactful Methods You Adopt To Monetize Your Blog And Earn Money


Many people perceive blogging as an activity that’s pursued on the sidelines along with any mainstream job responsibility. This is primarily because people think that blogging doesn’t provide the opportunities for money-making. But this perception is proven wrong since the advent of digital marketing.

It requires a considerable time to develop a site that will help you earn some revenues, but with appropriate planning and strategies, this can definitely be achieved. In order to earn money while creating content for your blog, you can adopt several methods.

So the following is a comprehensive list of methods that you can consider when you are looking to monetize your blog.

Pop-ups or lightboxes

Pop-ups are an excellent way to invite a visitor and eventually convert them into a customer. But before you jump at the prospects, you need to be cautious about using too many of them as that may end up driving away your website visitors. So put a strategy in place to decide when the pop-up should appear on the screen.

Pop-ups are ideal when you use them for expanding the list of your e-mail subscribers. This way the visitors can be persuaded to turn into consumers in future.

Advertising Space

Providing prominent advertising space to the advertisers on your blog can be a great way to monetize it. It has been recognized as an exceedingly effective method, as it enables you to restrict the intervention of middlemen to get other people to advertise on your blog or website.

Typically, this process requires you to display an ad for a certain period of time and for an agreed cost. However, one major drawback of this process is that you need to commit time to manage the whole process with the advertiser and that your site needs to have a lot of traffic to be considered by advertisers.

Organizing a webinar

A permanent and effective way of making money, while running blog of your own is to host a webinar on a regular interval. But, before proceeding with this, you need to establish yourself as a distinguished and popular blogger in your niche.

Webinars can be hassle-free to arrange, and one clear advantage of this process is that they cost-effective as well. Organizing a webinar means you can be visible to a number of audiences who wants to communicate with you live and learn valuable insights from you. You can show presentations, indulge in a video chat, or offer a speech in these webinars about the industry you are focusing on through your blogs.

Offer a consultation service

Offering a blogging consultation service is another extremely fruitful way of monetizing your website or blog. Consultants can make money by providing several counselling sessions to individuals who are looking to resolve their different issues. You can ask people to approach you for discussing their problems. You can resolve their dilemmas in exchange for a certain amount of money. So this way, with your experience, understanding, and awareness, you can add value to your consumers’ life.

For instance, if your blogging niche falls under Edtech industry, you can offer consultations to students on essay topics or how dissertation providers can help them with their tasks.

To achieve this objective, you need to ensure that you maintain consistency and become and an expert in your field. At the beginning of this process, you need to be more visible on the Internet, resolve the issues of the audience for free. Once your consultation services become popular, and you are confident enough, you can sell your services at a specific price range.

But to carry out this process, you need to become a prominent figure in the sphere of blogging. So, if you are a novice in this area, this process can take up a lot of time. But if you maintain consistency, and are open to learning new things, you can definitely adopt this method to monetize your blog in future.

Conducting live workshops

Live workshops offer you an excellent opportunity to communicate with your audience and decipher whether they like your blog or not. Your audience can attend your workshops, and ask you relevant questions face-to-face.

There are loads of people who find these types of workshops convenient since they are interactive, informative and are easier to follow than the online tutorials. This is why people don’t mind splurging a little to attend these workshops, as long as they get something valuable in return.

Aside from charging people for attending such events, there are multiple ways these gatherings can help you earn money. You can use the platform to talk about your own products or services at the end of each workshop. If you rope in guest speakers to attend the event, then you can keep the 50% of everything that they make while promoting their own services.

You can also record the whole workshop and post it to your website afterwards, which can serve as an advertisement for future workshops.

Workshops are extremely convenient to organize. You can easily book conference rooms in a hotel. Once the date and venue are decided, you can convey the relevant information regarding the workshop to your readers. You choose to prepare some kind of presentation to advertise your upcoming workshop.

Create content that focuses on Tutorials & Guides

The internet is buzzing with information on nearly every subject. Now the netizens are often drawn towards the type of content created on a tutorial format that offers “how to” guides.

For instance, if you are not quite familiar with gadgets, you would look for tutorials and guides that focus on explaining how the gadgets work. You may know some things that might be useful for someone, so you can always use the information you have and create an informative blog post on that. If it focuses on a specifically popular niche, then you could get a lot of traffic on your blog.

Create a Private Forum

Another lucrative option in case of monetizing your blog (especially if it runs on WordPress) is to create online forums that the consumers can access by paying a certain amount of money. Such forums provide a great platform for your audience to connect with you directly and seek advice from you. In fact, you can encourage other members of the community to interact with each other and help provide effective solutions to one another.

While managing and moderating forum can be quite daunting, but a paid forum is still a great way to accumulate recurring revenue from your WordPress website.

To adopt this process, you’ll need to integrate a forum on your website.

Write product reviews

You can earn a hefty sum of money by providing product reviews on your blog. To implement this process, you must write compelling yet truthful reviews of products that are associated with your niche.

Now let’s assume that you run a blog on food and beverages. So you can write reviews of restaurants that you have visited, you can write about the popular food items of a particular city you have been to. If you run a blog on technology, you can create blog posts reviewing different gadgets. You can review new iPods, monitor, laptops and so on.

So, there is a lot you can focus on and this way you can turn into an affiliate marketer for the people you are writing your reviews on.  

Now, in this case, you should be extremely cautious while reviewing a product. The ideal way to go about it is to review something that has established its credibility. If you indulge in unnecessary exaggerations, then it’s highly likely that you will lose your audience. So practice caution when reviewing any product. Review wisely.

So, pursuing your passion for blogging and earning money at the same time can be possible by adopting these methods.

Author Bio: Nathan William is a seasoned marketing professional and a professional blogger. He has been running a successful blog on lifestyle, essay and homework help. He has also been working for as an academic expert.


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