Remedies for Stomach Flu – Tips & Awareness


When the stomach flu strikes, it strikes hard!

Nobody enjoys being sick, but the stomach flu has its own unique set of symptoms. When it strikes, it can quickly render you inoperable and completely miserable (i.e., lying on the bathroom floor within constant reach of the sink or toilet).

Chills, fever, and nausea are the first symptoms, followed by vomiting, diarrhea, and severe aches and pains. It’s dreadful, and there’s no way to get rid of it. Stomach flu must be allowed to run its course. However, the remedies listed below may provide relief from the most challenging symptoms and assist you in getting back on your feet once the most challenging phase has passed.

What Causes Stomach Flu and How Does It Get Better?

1) Drink Lots of Water

Fluids are critical because you are losing vital bodily fluids due to sweating, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you have trouble swallowing liquids, try taking small sips at regular intervals or chewing ice chips. The best fluids to consume are:

  • Clear liquids such as water and broth, as well as over-the-counter medications such as Pedialyte (a good choice for any age).
  • Sports drinks can aid in electrolyte replacement (this should be reserved for older children and adults).
  • Certain drinks, like ginger and peppermint, can help soothe your stomach and relieve nausea (avoid highly caffeinated teas).

2) Plenty of Rest

When you have the stomach flu, your body requires rest to battle the infection. Get plenty of rest and decrease the number of activities you undertake during the day. This entails spending time on the couch while you’re not in bed.

While you sleep, your body is hard at work fighting the infection and mending cellular damage.

3) Stomach Flu and Children

As bad as getting the stomach flu, it is even worse to watch your child suffer from it. If your infant’s symptoms do not improve after a day or two, take them to the doctor. Their doctor can ensure that your child is on the right track to recovery. They might also check to see if there are any other possible causes for their symptoms.

It is critical to encourage children to continue taking sips of water (or, in newborns, breast milk or formula) to replace lost fluids to avoid dehydration. All newborns and toddlers can drink electrolyte solutions such as Pedialyte.

4) Pre-Emptive Remedies

Take extra measures if you know the stomach flu is circulating. If possible, avoid close contact with infected people and wash your hands frequently.

Washing your hands frequently and getting enough rest are two simple methods to avoid catching the stomach flu (and other illnesses in general). Here are some other preventative measures:

  • When possible, use the dishwasher instead of hand-washing dishes.
  • Instead of hand sanitiser, use soap and water.
  • Isolate an ill family member. Try to limit them to one bathroom while the rest of the family uses another.
  • Wipe down the handles of the shopping cart.
  • Use a disinfectant spray to clean worktops and surfaces, and make sure to wash your clothes and bedding as well.

5) Foods to Avoid

Avoid dairy, fibrous meals, and anything rich or hot in general.

  • Dairy: While milk is not for everyone with the stomach flu, it can be challenging to digest and cause flatulence and diarrhoea.
  • Fibre: If your bowels are loose, you don’t need any more fibre.
  • Avoid oily and salty meals such as bacon.
  • Spices: Avoid tomato-based foods, curries, and spicy sauces.

Eating the appropriate foods and leading a healthy lifestyle is generally enough to keep your stomach healthy. However, if this does not help and you continue to have gastrointestinal problems, you should seek medical attention. While the stomach flu is not a pleasant experience, most people recover completely and without complications. The most difficult aspect can be staying hydrated throughout the sickness.

Fact Check: Is Stomach Flu Contagious?

The answer to this is YES! A virus usually causes the stomach flu. Symptoms arise one to three days after exposure, so you are contagious even before you start feeling sick.

Even after you have recovered from your symptoms, you can still be contagious for up to two weeks. Children may be contagious for an even longer time afterward. Avoid going to work or school if you have symptoms to reduce the chance of spreading it to others. If you have a fever, wait 24 hours before resuming your normal routine.

You can don’t much for the stomach flu other than wait it out and follow the cures mentioned above. If you haven’t been able to keep liquids down for 24 hours or display indications of dehydration, are vomiting blood, have bloody diarrhoea, or have a fever of more than 102°F, call your doctor. Consult a Gastroenterologist through to get your stomach canal checked for any issues.


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